Posted by: notchris | September 11, 2007

Ideas to end racism and strive for peace in this world

My husband and I have seen so many articles, websites and discussions on racism that we decided we wanted to do something positive for this so we came up with a design to try to end racism and promote peace in the world.  It took us a while to put this idea in motion but this design is now available at   We can talk all we want but we need to also start showing the world leaders that we mean business.  Wars are started because of misunderstandings of each person’s opinions and differences.

Don’t be afraid to ask others outside you to help and don’t avoid recruiting people whom you don’t normally think of as antiracist types.

You need to express your opinion in a public way and this will influence others in expressing like you. Take initiative at the individual level. Most of the time, someone just needs to step up to the plate and swing the bat to get things moving. Sometimes people just need to see someone else doing something to promote anti-racism to realize how much pluralism needs to be addressed in a community.

Please feel free to enter what positive actions you are taking to end racism promote peace in the world.  We all need to start somewhere.
